Sunday, December 13, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Special festival offer
**Festive new year and Christmas offer**
Pleased to announce a 10% discount and free delivery (anywhere in India) of "Simply Cooking, Theory and Principles" (for orders placed on or before December 31, 2015) directly to the author at or 9411776841.
For details, please visit:
Pleased to announce a 10% discount and free delivery (anywhere in India) of "Simply Cooking, Theory and Principles" (for orders placed on or before December 31, 2015) directly to the author at or 9411776841.
For details, please visit:
Monday, November 9, 2015
Silver Anniversary
2015 was the year of my Silver anniversary and the year in which I plan to get two books published by me- Simply Cooking, Theory and Principles (already published) and Simply Cooking, Practical (launching in December, 2015)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Famous cuisines of the world
विश्व की मशहूर रसोइयाँ
French Cuisine
फ्रांस के सभी शासकों का अच्छे भोजन के प्रति रुझान था। French cooking जटिल और मुश्किल नहीं है। नाज़ुक खुशबू से इसकी पहचान होती है. मसालों का उपयोग लगभग न के बराबर मात्रा में किया जाता है। सब खाने sauce के साथ खाए जाते हैं। खाना पकाने में wine इस्तेमाल की जाती है। Garnishes का इस किचन में बहुत महत्व होता है। किस भोजन के साथ क्या दिया जाएगा ये निर्धारित होता है, जैसे Roast beef हमेशा Yorkshire pudding के साथ ही serve किया जाता है। खाने में खुशबु के लिए Parsley, tarragon, thyme, इत्यादि जैसी herbs इस्तेमाल की जाती हैं।
खाने में इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली कुछ सब्जियां हैं: Asparagus, artichokes,
गाजर, शलजम, बैंगन, हरी फूलगोभी, नन्हीं बंदगोभी, खुम्बी, इत्यादि।
सब्जियाँ मुख्य खाने के साथ serve की जाती हैं। फ्रांसीसी भोजन का मुख्य
भाग माँस का होता है, जैसे चिड़ियाँ (chicken, बतख, turkey), बकरा, मछली,
गाय, सुअर, इत्यादि।
का उपयोग खाने में काफी होता है- garnish के जैसे, sauce की तरह या व्यंजन
के आधार के तौर पर। कुछ आम French cheese हैं- Roquefort, Cammembert,
Brie, इत्यादि। Red और white wines का इस्तेमाल खुशबु, रंग और मीट को नर्म
करने लिए होता है।
French food को courses में खाया जाता है। Course मतलब एक व्यंजन या व्यंजनों का समूह जो पूरे भोजन के क्रम में किसी निश्चित समय पर परोसा जाता है। French classical menu के courses ये हैं:
1. Appetizer (Hors d'oeuvres- औदव): खाने की शुरुआत में भूख बढ़ाने लिए।
2. Soup (Potage- पोताज़)
3. Fish (Poisson- पोआसौं)
4. Small meat dish (Entrée- ऑनथ्रे)
5. Big meat dish Releve- रेलेव)
6. Rest (Sorbet- सोर्बे)
7. Roast (Roti- रोति)
8. Vegetable (Legumes- लेगूम)
9. Sweets (Entremet- ऑनथ्रमे )
10. Cheese (Fromage- फ्रोमाज़)
11. Fruits and nuts (Dessert- धेजेर), followed by Coffee (Café- कैफ़े)
Monday, October 26, 2015
An introduction to Simply Cooking
Introduction to Simply Cooking, written by me : 252136437098
3. Paytm : simply-cooking-9788188782147_ 51429
4. By paying to my SBI Jakhan a/c no. 10191355052, IFSC: SBIN006155, by internet transfer or green channel.
5. Ebook of my published articles is available for 124/- at: store/books/details/Anand_ Mittal_Simply_Cooking?id= 3lKxBgAAQBAJ
6. From BNM bookstore, 62/53 Rajpur Road, BEHL chowk, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2745137
7. From Ramesh Book Depot, Moti bazar, Opp. Kotwali, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2753637, 2657676
8. In Mussoorie from Charleville, 1 Velridge Building, Near LBS Academy. Phone: 0135 2636904
3. Paytm :
4. By paying to my SBI Jakhan a/c no. 10191355052, IFSC: SBIN006155, by internet transfer or green channel.
5. Ebook of my published articles is available for 124/- at:
6. From BNM bookstore, 62/53 Rajpur Road, BEHL chowk, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2745137
7. From Ramesh Book Depot, Moti bazar, Opp. Kotwali, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2753637, 2657676
8. In Mussoorie from Charleville, 1 Velridge Building, Near LBS Academy. Phone: 0135 2636904
Chef Anand Mittal
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
GIHM, Dehradun
GIHM, Dehradun:
का बहुत धन्यवाद कि उन्होनें Simply Cooking की थोक में खरीदारी करी।
Sunday, August 16, 2015
How to buy Simply Cooking? (MRP Rs 350/=}
Introduction to Simply Cooking :
How to buy? (MRP : Rs 350/=)
2. Ebay : Simply-Cooking-by-Chef-Anand- Mittal-/252045736089
3. Paytm : simply-cooking-9788188782147_ 51429
4. By paying to my SBI Jakhan a/c no. 10191355052, IFSC: SBIN006155, by internet transfer or green channel.
5. Ebook of my published articles is available for 124/- at: store/books/details/Anand_ Mittal_Simply_Cooking?id= 3lKxBgAAQBAJ
6. From BNM bookstore, 62/53 Rajpur Road, BEHL chowk, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2745137
7. From Ramesh Book Depot, Moti bazar, Opp. Kotwali, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2753637, 2657676
8. In Mussoorie from Charleville, 1 Velridge Building, Near LBS Academy. Phone: 0135 2636904
2. Ebay :
3. Paytm :
4. By paying to my SBI Jakhan a/c no. 10191355052, IFSC: SBIN006155, by internet transfer or green channel.
5. Ebook of my published articles is available for 124/- at:
6. From BNM bookstore, 62/53 Rajpur Road, BEHL chowk, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2745137
7. From Ramesh Book Depot, Moti bazar, Opp. Kotwali, Dehradun. Phone: 0135 2753637, 2657676
8. In Mussoorie from Charleville, 1 Velridge Building, Near LBS Academy. Phone: 0135 2636904
Friday, May 8, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Simply Cooking, Practical
Pleased to announce "Simply Cooking, Practical", containing 101 menus of continental, Indian, bakery and Asian cuisine (300 pages, priced at Rs 400/-).
Detailed recipes and method (with pictures) make it easy to follow!
Detailed recipes and method (with pictures) make it easy to follow!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
A review written by Chef Harkirat Uberoi for "Simply Cooking" on 18th April, 2015:
Awesome, concise yet very descriptive and covering a whole gamut of hoteliering. Especially cooking with all that you were always intrigued about when you watch cookery TV shows and an elaborate glossary to support your knowledge. It covers basics of many cuisines with recipes as also the environment and facets of various sub-kitchens and their working. There is also a basic set of formats for professionals who may need assistance to formulate and build on these.
All in all a great guide for hospitality students and also recommended for home cooks as well as for each of us to hold one in our hand so that we understand what Hotel and Restaurant people talk. The Bonus is a fantastic selection of recipes international.
Dr Vinay Rana is currently working as Principal, IHMS Kotdwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
My dozen websites, February 26, 2015
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